To view the Answers, hover your mouse over the question mark at the end of each question.



I have been thinking about having refractive surgery for some time,
how do I know if I am suitable or not?

I have been refused elsewhere previously, would I be able to have
my surgery with you?

How long will I be at the consultation?

Can I drive to my consultation?

Who will perform my surgery and where will this take place?

How long will I need to take off work?

When can I drive?

How much will it cost?

Is there a lifetime guarantee?

How long will the procedure take?

What is the difference between the types of laser surgery that are available?

Do you use the latest wavefront technology?

Do you use Femtosecond with the LASIK procedure?

Can both eyes be done on the same day?

Will it hurt?

I have started to need the use of reading glasses, can laser help cure this?

How soon will I be able to see after the procedure?

What complications can I expect from refractive laser laser surgery?

Will I end up with 6/6 or 20/20 vision?

I have a high prescription and astigmatism, am I suitable for refractive surgery?

I have heard of a procedure similar to a cataract operation, who is suitable for this?

How soon can I use eye makeup?











Reasons to choose Laser&Lens#
Seeing Freedom